Damascus, Nov 16: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee today concluded his visit to Russia, Tajikistan and Syria saying it has given a fresh impetus to bilateral cooperation with these "important countries" in regions of great political, economic and strategic significance for India. Before enplaning for home, in a statement he spoke about the gains of the visit and allayed Arab apprehensions declaring India's firm commitment to the Middle East peace process on the basis of full implementation of UN resolutions and 'land for peace' principle as he concluded his visit to Russia, Tajikistan and Syria.

Vaypayee, who held extensive talks with Syrian President Basher Al Assad on the situation in the Middle East and Iraq said, "We remain concerned at the continuing cycle of violence and counter-violence in the region.

"I reiterated India's continued commitment to the Middle East peace process, and to a comprehensive and lasting peace, based on full implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and the land for peace principle." Winding up his six-day tour, Vajpayee said it has strengthened bilateral relations with Russia, Tajikistan and Syria.

Bureau Report