London, Oct 01: Keith Mills, founder of the Air Miles loyalty scheme, was named chief executive of London's bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games.
Mills, whose appointment was announced on Friday (September 26), said he couldn't wait to take up his new position. "I'm incredibly excited, it's a fantastic challenge. I think London has a great opportunity of winning the 2012 Olympics and I can't wait to get started," Mills said at a promotional launch in London's Trafalgar Square. Barbara Cassani, who is heading the bid, said that Mills's appointment was an important milestone in the bid process.
Cassani said she would now aim to work with her vice-chairmen and the board to develop the bid at a strategic level.

"Ultimately I'm in charge but the way that I work is with a team of people, so it's Seb Coe and Keith and Charles Allen and we even have a board of almost 20 people," she said. "There are a lot of us who will be working hard to make sure the bid is successful."

Earlier this month Sebastian Coe, a double Olympic gold medallist for Britain, was appointed a vice-chairman of the bid and rowing champions Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent were named as board members.

London is competing with Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris and Rio de Janeiro for the right to stage the Games. This International Olympic Committee will decide the winner in 2005.

Bureau Report