Baghdad, Feb 29: Iraq's US-picked leaders, who failed to meet a deadline for adopting an interim constitution, were still trying to find a common ground Sunday and draw up the charter. An advisor to Governing Council member Adnan Pachachi said members met late into the night and resumed talks early Sunday morning.
But, said Feisal Istrabdi, a member of the constitutional drafting committee, nothing official had been decided. Although he added the talks were still onging. When asked if a constitution could be unveiled later Sunday, he said "it's possible." A morning update on the talks was postponed, said Hameed al-Kafaei, a Governing Council spokesman.

"They are still talking," he said.

The delay indicated the deep divisions over how to distribute power among the country's ethnic and religious factions and to balance Islam and secularism. The failure to meet the Saturday deadline was also the latest glitch in U.S. plans to hand sovereignty to Iraqis on June 30.

Bureau Report