Mumbai: Anjana and Kesari did intense penance to please Lord Shiva and seek his blessings for an off spring. After winning the heart of Lord Shiva, the couple welcomed their first child – Maruti – who is famously known as Hanuman. Maruti was blessed by a number of Gods and hence he was gifted with magical powers and strengths.


Baby Maruti could fly, uproot trees, break mountains and do other incredible things. His strength and powers knew no bounds.

He would playfully disrupt tapasya of the sages, destroy their sacrificial offerings and damage their belongings. The sages were aware of Hanuman’s infinite powers and the blessings bestowed upon him by the Gods so they ignored his mischief for a long time.

After excusing him on several occasions, a sage cursed Maruti by telling him that he would forget his own powers until he is reminded by someone.

Years later, when Hanuman joined Lord Rama in his mission to find Sita, Jambhavan, the king of bears reminded him of his own valour.

Once he was reminded of his lost glory, Hanuman flew past the ocean to reach Lanka to locate Sita.