A grand jury has handed down a ten-count indictment against "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh including charges which could carry multiple life sentences if he is convicted, Attorney General John Ashcroft said. The indictment made on Wednesday, charged the US national captured fighting with enemies in Afghanistan, "As an al Qaeda-trained terrorist who conspired with the Taliban to kill his fellow citizens," Ashcroft said.
The grand jury formalised six charges already outlined in the Federal government's criminal complaint against Walker, and added four new ones.
"If convicted of these charges Walker Lindh could receive multiple life sentences, six additional ten year sentences, plus 30 years," Ashcroft said. The 10 charges against John Walker Lindh are:
•Conspiracy to murder US nationals.
•Conspiracy to provide material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organisation, Harkat ul-Mujahideen.
•Providing material support and resources to Harkat ul-Mujahideen.
•Conspiracy to provide material support and resources to al-Qaeda.
•Providing material support and resources to al-Qaeda.
•Conspiracy to contribute services to al-Qaeda.
•Contributing services to al-Qaeda.
•Conspiracy to supply services to the Taliban.
•Supplying services to the Taliban.
•Using, carrying and possessing firearms and destructive devices during crimes of violence. Bureau Report