San Jose (California), Dec 18: Intel Corp plans to develop a chip that could lead to slimmer and cheaper rear-projection TVs. The move would fall in line with the computer industry's growing attraction to the consumer electronics market, where digital television sales are soaring and profit margins are still healthy but thinning as competition increases.
A spokesman for Intel, the leading maker of computer microprocessors, would not comment yesterday, citing company policy to not discuss unannounced technologies.
But news of the tech giant's plans, which Intel president and chief operating officer Paul Otelliniare is expected to disclose at next month's consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, is already creating a stir among industry analysts.
With its research and development heft, analysts say Intel could do for big-screen TVs what it did for personal computers: improve quality and substantially lower prices.
The technology Intel has been eyeing is known as liquid crystal on silicon, or Lcos. A few companies already have tried to introduce Lcos products, but they haven't made any deep inroads in the market.
"There's been a lot of buzz about a giant entering the room, and that giant is Intel," said Richard Doherty, a consumer electronics industry analyst and director of research at envisioneering group. "Now there's likely to be a better deal for consumers in the long run."
Bureau Report