Mumbai: The behaviour of a person reflects the quality of his or her upbringing. And hence, it is extremely important for parents to pay special attention to children during their growing up years.


Parents also need to ensure that they instil moral values in the minds of children at an early age.

Children’s good behaviour and conduct will make parents feel proud. This will also help in making children responsible individuals when they grow up.

In this post, we have listed down ten things parents need to teach their young ones to nurture essential values:

  • Don’t waste food – By wasting food, we will be doing injustice to the millions of people who die of starvation across the globe.
  • Don’t waste water – A number of people across the globe aren’t privileged enough to get a drop of water to drink to quench their thirst. It would be a crime to waste water.
  • To not waste consumable energy – Tell you children to use lights and fans only when they need it. They should know why it is important to switch them off when not needed.
  • Sharing and caring – Kids need to learn the art of sharing and caring.
  • To speak the truth – Lying will only lead to the cooking up of more lies in the future.  One harsh truth is better than a bitter lie.
  • To keep self and the surrounding clean – Teach the importance of self hygiene to children. Also, they must be taught to keep the surroundings clean.
  • To be responsible citizens of the country- They need to be told that their contributions matter a lot to the development of their country. They must be made to feel proud citizens.
  • To stand by the side of truth – They must know that falsehood is evil and truth alone triumphs. They should know the difference between the good and the bad.
  • To value family bonds – Money may come and go. But family is what matters the most.
  • To be compassionate – Compassion must extend beyond humans. Children must be taught to respect all forms of life on earth and admire nature’s creations.