Islamabad, Apr 27: Afp) Some 300 afghan women protestors in the Pakistani capital today urged Afghan President Hamid Karzai not to rely on warlords, with notorious records of human rights abuses, for rebuilding the war-ravaged country. "Compromising and dealing with the (anti-Taliban) northern alliance is not going to bear any fruit for anyone including Karzai," the Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women (RAWA) said in a statement.
Northern alliance commanders dominate the post-Taliban administration headed by Karzai since they ousted the hardliners from power with the help of a United States-led military coalition for harbouring Osama Bin Laden.
The protestors gathered outside United Nations offices in Islamabad to mark the twin anniversaries of the 1978 communist coup in Afghanistan and the 1992 capture of Kabul by anti-communist forces. The women's group, which campaigned clandestinely at great risk against the Taliban and their sometimes brutal repression of women, said the current regime supported figures who committed past abuses against women.
"On the one hand different countries of the world are promising to give USD 8 billion in aid, and on the other hand Karzai is considering the appointment of the dirtiest elements... To important government posts," it said.
Bureau Report