Lahore, Nov 30: Yesterday's one-day match between Pakistan and New Zealand was not televised due to a row over transmission rights between the state-run Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) and the local cricket board. The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) sold the rights for the five-match series to the private Geo channel, but PTV claimed there was no proper bidding process.
The state-run Pakistan electronic media regulation authority sided with the PTV and did not provide an up-link facility to geo for the match to be screened.
Ramiz Raja, Chief Executive of PCB, said PTV had opted not to participate in the bidding process.
''Everyone knew this series was up for sale. It was no big secret,'' he said. ''We sold the rights to the highest bidder.''
It was the first time since 1967 that an international cricket match in Pakistan was not aired, triggering a flood of calls to the PCB's offices by angry fans.
Last year, PCB sold Pakistan Television rights for a five-year period to a Dubai-based channel, Taj Sports Network, for 43 million. However the New Zealand series was not included in the deal.
Bureau Report