Teheran, Feb 16: Almost half of the 290 seats in the next Parliament are already in conservative hands, Reformist lawmakers said in a statement carried on the ISNA students news agency. The Reformist members of Parliament presented a list of more than 100 out of the total 207 constituencies for which neither Reformists nor independent candidates will run in Friday's contests, saying that under such circumstances no competitive elections can be held.

In the meantime, the Senate-like Guardian Council has rejected what it called smear propaganda reports on the withdrawal of more than 600 candidates in protest of the elimination of more than 2,000 Reformist candidates by the hardline clergy. ''During the last elections in 2000, we had more than 1,000 withdrawals, and this time, the withdrawals were from different factions and for several reasons,'' said the council's spokesman, Vahid Jalalzadeh.

Although some of the candidates have withdrawn in protest, others have cited financial constraints and slim chances against well-organized conservative groups as reasons for stepping aside.

ISNA reported that 40,422 voting polls will be established nationwide, including more than 5,200 in the capital Teheran. Votes will again be cast manually, as the Guardian Council does not consider computer software provided by the interior ministry to be reliable. Reformists contesting Friday's parliamentary elections in Iran have pledged to play at least a strong opposition role in Parliament, ISNA reported yesterday.

Bureau Report