Beijing, July 11: China today charged the BBC television of violating agreements reached with the state-run channel and said restoring its transmission depends on its "attitude". "Recently, the BBC on many occasions violated the treaties between the BBC and China Television Corporation. The latter, in accordance with the regulations in the treaty, closed the signals of the BBC," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao told reporters.

"As to when it will be restored, it depends on the attitude taken by the BBC," Liu said while declining to go into the details under which the BBC's signals were cut.


However, he said the two sides would hold talks on the issue.

Most foreign TV channels in china, including the BBC and CNN are allowed to broadcast only to luxury hotels and apartment blocks allowed to house foreigners. However, sources said China cut BBC's signals after it showed Falun Gong group members protesting in Hong Kong against Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit and Beijing's crackdown on the movement.

China has outlawed the Falun Gong as an "evil cult" which also attempted to overthrow the communist party-led government with the help of western groups.

At the briefing, Liu also flayed the Falun Gong movement as well as its New York-based leader, Li Hongzi for its recent act of hijacking Chinese television signals and beaming Falun Gong promotion materials in some Chinese cities. Hijackers cut into broadcasts of the World Cup Soccer finals and other national programmes between June 23 and 30.
Bureau Report