Washington, Mar 21: Federal agencies increased inspections at borders and of the food supply, put nuclear plants on heightened alert and stepped up the search for possible Iraqi terrorist "sleeper cells" in a move to war footing. As the US assault on Iraq intensified, Homeland Security secretary tom ridge told members of Congress yesterday that there had been no incidents in the United States in retaliation.
He said the "code orange" alert status imposed this week would stay in effect. In an attempt to head off possible retaliation for the war, FBI agents fanned out across the country to interview thousands of people born in Iraq, the agency said. The FBI also said it also wanted to try to prevent hate crimes against people of Iraqi heritage.
The FBI's 56 bureaus were put on around-the-clock operation. "We are running down every lead, responding to every threat," director Robert Mueller said.
Federal meat and poultry inspectors, in their routine inspections, began testing for chemical or biological agents that terrorists might use, said Jesse Majkowksi, head of the agriculture department's food security office.
The food and drug administration increased testing for such potential agents in products it analyzes, agency officials said. The centers for disease control was keeping a lookout in case doctors notice any unusual outbreak of diseases or symptoms associated with those agents. Bureau Report