United Nations, July 09: Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed a senior American diplomat as his top envoy to Liberia, and dispatched UN officials to promote a political transition in the war-battered nation and the speedy return of UN aid workers. In a letter to the UN Security Council yesterday, Annan said he had decided to appoint Jacques Paul Klein, who headed the UN mission in Bosnia until December 31, as his special representative to lead and coordinate UN activities in Liberia. He also ordered Abou Moussa, the current UN representative for Liberia, and the UN resident coordinator, Marc de Bernis, who were recently evacuated, "to return immediately to Monrovia and assist in the preparations for the return to Liberia of United Nations and associated personnel."

To assist in advancing developments on the political front, Annan said he was sending his special representative for West Africa, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, to Accra, Ghana, to support the ongoing dialogue among the Liberian parties chaired by former Nigerian leader, Gen Abdulsalam Abubkar.

The Security Council needs to formally take note of Klein's appointment. The current Council president, Spain's UN ambassador Inocencio Arias, said he would do so tomorrow unless there was an objection. Council diplomats said none is expected. Annan's letter was sent as US military experts were in Liberia to help decide whether to send us troops.

The United States faces mounting international pressure to lead a peacekeeping force in Liberia, a nation founded by freed American slaves in the 19th century.

Bureau Report