Alleged terrorist Osama bin Laden is hiding in the mountains of Tora Bora and local fighters expect to hunt him down in a matter of days, an Afghan commander said on Saturday.
Commander Hazrat Ali said that his men were closing in on the world's most wanted man and his hardcore Al-Qaeda fighters holed up in the caves of this rugged snow-capped region in eastern Afghanistan.

“Our mujahedin are willing to fight. Today or tomorrow we are going to launch a big attack and I think they will surrender to us,” he said referring to Laden and his mostly Arab followers.
He said that he had reliable information from an Al-Qaeda prisoner that bin Laden was in the area, which has been pounded by US warplanes and Afghan militias since the start of December.

“Three days ago we captured a prisoner from Al-Qaeda who told us that Osama was living here but he had moved to the top of the mountain. I think he is probably here,” Ali said on the front lines facing Tora Bora mountain about 30 kilometres miles) south of Jalalabad.
Bureau Report