Washington, Oct 10: Without mentioning cross-border terrorism, the US has said it would encourage India to deal with the problems that plague New Delhi-Islamabad relationship. Responding to a question at a press briefing yesterday, US States Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the US was looking for ways to "encourage India to deal with the issues that they have with their neighbours, Pakistan in particular."

He said Indo-US relations had developed "quite, I think, remarkably for the last few years, and we look for further ways to develop those relationships." Asked about a meeting yesterday between Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Indian ambassador to the US Naresh Chandra, who is leading a CII delegation for discussions with US think tanks and officials, Boucher said in a written answer: "a delegation of Indian policymakers and private sector leaders met with Secretary Powell as part of the Aspen group`s US-India dialogue."

"The primary purpose of their meeting with the secretary was to discuss the US and India`s growing economic, social and political ties and the potential of the improving relationship. They also discussed briefly the importance of trade liberalization and regional issues." Bureau Report