Farrukhabad, Sept 25: Senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid today termed as 'unfortunate' Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav's recent statement supporting Amar Mani Tripathi, the main accused in poetess Madhumita Shukla's murder case. "Congress will not join a Government which has voiced support for people like Tripathi," he told reporters here. Khurshid, however, clarified that the Congress reaction to Yadav's statement should come from New Delhi. "But personally I feet that the statement of the chief Minister euologising Tripathi was unfortunate. No sensible person would appreciate Yadav's statement," he said. Yadav had recently issued a statement in New Delhi saying that he would not remove Tripathi from the party as he had saved Uttar Pradesh and India. Tripathi had recently joined the samajwadi party with 37 BSP legislators.
Bureau report