Beijing, May 18: Efforts must be made to resume the stalled bilateral Indo-Pak dialogue which should cover not only Kashmir but all outstanding issues Pakistan's High Commissioner-designate to India Riaz Muhammad Khan has said. Khan, an India hardliner and serving as Pakistan's envoy to China, was named the new ambassador to Delhi by Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali yesterday.
Despite serious differences between the two countries efforts should be made to resume the stalled dialogue to ensure peace and development of South Asia, he said hoping that the talks would lead to an "improved" environment between the two countries. He, however, cautioned against expecting an early breakthrough on Kashmir and suggested that the India-Pak talks should not only address the question of Kashmir but also many other questions noting that there is already an agreement between the two sides for a structured dialogue.

"Given the history of the Kashmir dispute, the prospects of an early solution are slim," he said in an interview to the state-run China Central Television (CCTV) this week. Khan, a former spokesman of Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also denied New Delhi's charge of Islamabad supporting cross-border infiltration saying "it is an allegation belied by facts."
"Pakistan has always supported the Kashmiri struggle for their fundamental rights diplomatically and politically," said Khan known for his hardline stand on Kashmir. Bureau Report