New Delhi, Nov 08: Taking "serious notice" of the Tamil Nadu Assembly sentencing journalists of The Hindu and Murasoli, the Press Council of India appealed to the House and the Speaker to revoke its verdict saying the issue has to be debated at the national level. "The Press Council is concerned very much with safeguarding the freedom of the press. In matters like these the authorities concerned are expected to show some restraint and be benevolent", the Council said in a resolution passed at a special meeting to review the situation. The `Hindu" has glorious traditions and has always respected the freedom, privileges and role of the legislators who are pillars of democracy, the resolution said appealing to the assembly and the Speaker to revoke its verdict. Observing that freedom of the press was also equated with fundamental right under the constitution like freedom of speech, Press Council Chairman Justice K Jayachandra Reddy said at the same time no freedom is absolute.

While press is elevated to the fourth estate along with executive, judiciary and legislature, he said that the council was very much concerned with the verdict passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly which is also supreme in its own way. Bureau Report