Entertainment and media giant Zee Telefilm Ltd has recorded a good jump of 68 per cent in its Net Profit at Rs 138.18 crore during the Financial Year ended March 31, 2001 as against Rs 82.25 crore reported a year ago. The company's Net Profit in the fourth quarter shot up by 132 per cent at Rs 47.29 crore as against Rs 20.39 crore recorded in the corresponding period in the previous year. Total income of the company rose by 47 per cent at Rs 435.77 crore during the FY-01 as against Rs 297.06 crore recorded in the previous year. The Zee Network's Net Profit also grew by Rs 7.03 crore at Rs 36.79 crore during the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2001 as against Rs 29.76 crore reported in the corresponding period of last year. The Net Profit of Zee Network during the FY-01 shot up by Rs 22.58 crore at Rs 183.38 crore as agains Rs 160.80 crore.
The board of directors of the ZTL at its meeting held in Mumbai on Thursday, approved the audited results for the Financial Year 2000-2001 of Zee Telefilm and has also taken a note of the unauditied consolidated financial of Zee Network. The board of directors of the company also recommended a dividend at the rate of 55 per cent for the year 2000-2001.
There was good buying interest at the Zee Telefilm's counter at the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) during the day with the scrip registering a gain of Rs 3.60 at Rs 133 from the previous close of Rs 129.40. The company's scrip was under selling pressure since last couple of months and its value has been eroded significantly during the period.
According to a company release, as part of improved corporate governance policies adopted by the company, the board of directors also co-opted Rajeev Chandrasekhar and Vipin Malik as additional independent directors of the company. Additionaly, the board of directors appointed Sandeep Goyal group broadcasting CEO as an additional wholetime director on the board of the compnay.
During the year, Zee Network embarked upon a number of new initiatives in completing its bouquet of channels in North Indian and South Indian regional languages, English programming and Hollywood films.
The network also took major initiatives in converting its entire bouquet of channels from analogue to digital mode as well as transforming most channels from free-to-air to pay mode.
According to a company release, the new initiatives of the company in programming with customer focus have already shown improved viewership on Zee TV. Zee TV today has 5 out of the top 10 programmers amongst all channels.
Bureau Report