Washington, Feb 20: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi says he has been criticised by some Arab countries for promising to dismantle weapons programs without seeking concessions from the United States, such as on Israel, lawmakers who met him said. In a two-hour meeting in his tent in the Libyan desert, Gaddafi told members of the US House Intelligence Committee that he was interested in US investment in his country, technology exchange, and having Libyans study at American universities, lawmakers said. ''We learned from him that he is committed to dismantling. He said that he had been chided by some of his Arab neighbours for not securing more (concessions) from the us before agreeing to give up the program,'' Rep. Jane Harman of California, the senior Democrat on the panel, said. Libya surprised the world in December by announcing it would abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs. The stop in Libya on Friday was part of a trip mainly aimed at assessing the needs of US intelligence operatives in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan and Turkey, lawmakers said. They returned to the United States on Wednesday. Bureau Report