Islamabad, July 14: A delegation from Pakistan's Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam party is to make a private visit to India aimed at promoting a peace dialogue between the two countries, a JUI spokesman said today. "Four JUI leaders have applied for visas to the Indian Embassy in Islamabad," Riaz Durrani said today.
"We hope the visas will be issued promptly and the delegation will be able to proceed to India in next few days," he added. JUI head Maulana Fazlur Rehman will lead the team, which will also include JUI vice president Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, Qazi Hameedullah and Gul Naseeb -- all members of Parliament.
"We are undertaking the visit to promote a peace dialogue between Pakistan and India. We support a peaceful resolution of disputes between Pakistan and India and that can be achieved through constructive dialogue," Rehman said. The visit is at the invitation Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind party. Bureau Report