Bangalore, Dec 21: Most of the passengers of the Bangalore Express, which derailed in Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh in the early hours today were fast asleep, not realising what fate had in store for them. "It was around one in the night when I tumbled down from my middle berth and the next thing I could feel was blood streaking down my face," 52 year-old Surendranath Modi, almost on the verge of tears, said.
Modi, working as principal of a junior college in Mahboobnagar in Andhra Pradesh, was coming to Bangalore to visit his daughter working in software major Infosys here.
"I was administered first aid and now I am being taken to the railway hospital here. I just want to see my daughter," a visibly shaken Modi, who had a bandage around his forehead, told.
For the couple, Perves and Ayesha Banu, it was a horrifying experience. "The train took a sharp turn in the night and we fell down with great force, not knowing what had happened."
Perves, a car driver in Bangalore, had gone to Kurnool to visit his in-laws and was on his way back along with his wife when the mishap occurred.
The couple was sent home after being administered first aid. "I just cannot get over the experience. I just want to get out of this place (railway station)", 47-year-old Indrani Bhattacharya from Kolkata, who had a narrow escape, said.
She had arrived here on a special train from Kurnool. Bureau Report