Colombo, Sept 09: The Sri Lankan government and the LTTE have come together on an international forum for the first time since the peace talks were put on the backburner, but the meeting is said to be unrelated to the peace process. The LTTE is being represented by head of their peace secretariat, S Puleedevan for the one-day annual conference on Sri Lanka being held in Switzerland today, which is also being attended by the government negotiator Bernard Gunatilleke.

While both the government and LTTE sources said the meeting was not directly linked to the peace efforts, the two sides may get an opportunity to meet informally.
The seminar is the first outing for the two sides together since the tigers suspended participation in Norwegian-brokered peace talks in April.

Both sides ruled out a local media report that the two sides would discuss the setting up of a provisional administrative council as demanded by the Tigers in the island's embattled regions. Bureau Report