New Delhi, July 29: Vigilance raids on the premises of former Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and his family members rocked the Rajya Sabha today leading to its adjournment for 30 minutes. The matter came up during zero hour when BJP member S S Ahluwalia aided by his colleagues raised the issue of raids on Badal's son Sukhvinder Singh premises here which led to noisy protests by congress members who objected that sub-judice matters cannot be raised in the house. Amidst shouts of "shame, shame", BJP members were up on their feet saying "hooliganism" of congress government in Punjab should not be allowed to go on as it was "falsely" implicating Badal's family members. They alleged Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh was "biased" in his approach.

When chairman Bhairon Singh Shekhawat asked Ahluwalia not to raise anything sub-judice, the agitated BJP member pointed out that there was nothing sub-judice in the matter as inquiry was going on. As both ruling and opposition members were unrelenting despite the plea of chairman for order, Shekhawat adjourned the house for 30 minutes.

Bureau Report