New York, Dec 08: US Republican and Democrat leaders of Congressional investigation into the Sept 11 terror attacks plan to issue a final report next week calling for appointment of a new cabinet-level director of national intelligence who would outrank the director of central intelligence, government officials were quoted as saying. But the Congressional leaders have agreed not to assign blame to any individual government officials for the intelligence failures before September 11, and instead will emphasise on proposals for changes to make sure that such devastating attacks never happen again, the New York Times said.
However, it said, officials cautioned that it was unclear how their draft would be received by the committee's other members, or whether it would be revised as they sought a consensus. If the committee votes on the report on Tuesday, it may announce its final recommendations by Wednesday.

The final report, summing up the joint panel's nearly year-long inquiry into the government's performance before September 11, is based on evidence of missed signals at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies, and will include many of the findings that the panel's staff made public in interim reports released at hearings this summer and fall. Bureau Report