Washington, Nov 09: The US is increasingly getting alarmed and deeply frustrated by the Iraqi Governing Council's ineffectiveness, the Bush administration is now developing possible alternatives to the Council. "We are unhappy with all of them. They are not acting as a legislative or governing body, and we need to get moving. They just don't make decisions when they need to," a well-placed US official, on condition of anonymity, was quoted as saying by the Washington Post today.
The paper said that ex-ambassador to India Robert Blackwill, the new national security council official overseeing Iraq's political transition, begins an unannounced trip this weekend to Iraq to meet with Iraqi politicians to drive home that point.
Blackwill is said to be discussing U S options with L Paul Bremer, Civilian Administrator of the US-led coalition provisional authority.
The US is even considering a French proposal, earlier rejected, to create an interim Iraqi leadership that would emulate the Afghanistan model, according to US and French officials quoted by the paper.
Bureau Report