New Delhi, Feb 16: Lauding their successes in fighting the new challenge of terrorism, Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani today reminded the country's police forces that they had still a long way to go in gaining the trust of the common man. ''People continue to come to me to solve their grievances saying the police will listen only if I tell them,'' said Mr Advani, who is also the union home minister, addressing the personnel of the Delhi Police on its 57th raising day. The situation, where the ordinary people are not willing to approach the police station in their areas, must change, he said. ''The police must do everything to gain the trust of the common man.'' Mr Advani, who inspected a parade of the different branches of the police including commandos, anti-riot personnel, bomb disposal squad and women's police, said the police had succeeded in addressing its new responsibility of foiling terrorist attacks.
Earlier, the country's security was vested only with the armed forces, he said and added that now with terrorists striking deep into the country, it also became a responsibility of the police.

''But the police should discharge their primary responsibility of caring for the ordinary citizens,'' said Mr Advani, who said he was impressed by the new motto of the Delhi Police, 'citizen first.'

''It fell good about your motto. There should be no let up in solving the problems of the common man,'' he said.
Bureau Report