Washington, Oct 06: Iraq had managed to conceal from the UN weapons inspectors, equipment related to the production of weapons of mass destruction even though it was difficult to point out if it was pursuing a full-fledged nuclear weapons programme, the chief US weapons inspector, David Kay has said. "We now have three cases in which scientists have come forward with equipment, technology, diagrams, documents and, in this case, actual weapons material, reference strains and botulinum toxin that they were told to hide and that the UN didn't find," Kay said yesterday.

On nuclear weapons programme, however, Kay said the team couldn't prove that Iraq was pursuing them immediately before the war began in March. "What we have said, and we said it in the report, we have numbers of Iraqis who tell US that Saddam was committed to acquiring weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons," he told CNN.

Kay said there was evidence that Iraq was interested in starting a nuclear weapons programme, but the work was at an early stage.

Bureau Report