Kuala Lumpur, Aug 27: A Malaysian teenager was given a forced haircut by Muslim authorities who deemed his punk-style ''Mohican'' un-Islamic. According to a newspaper report, the unnamed 17-year-old -- described as a high school dropout -- was nabbed by the Islamic Development Unit of Kota Baru, Kelantan, a north-eastern state controlled by the Islamic political party PAS.
The newspaper said officials lectured him against emulating ''destructive culture'' before taking the scissors to his red-dyed Mohican. Kelantan and neighbouring Terengganu are two of Malaysia's 13 states where the Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), which is led by Muslim clerics, holds power. PAS, which seeks to introduce Islamic Sharia law across the country, has already ordered Muslim women to cover their heads, banned gambling and nightclubs and limited public consumption of liquor in the states they control. Bureau Report