United Nations, July 30: United Nations has said that some member states were withholding detailed information on al Qaeda operatives and associates in their territory, considering such an admission would be stigma on their name. In the report, a UN Security Council Committee which monitors sanctions on al Qaeda and Taliban regretted that so for only 64 states - less than one-third of the total membership of 191 of the United Nations - have submitted reports on measures taken by them to fight the scourge. The information available with the committee shows that al Qaeda operatives are active in some way in significant number of states that had not yet submitted the report, it said. Warning member states against complacency, it asked states to seek out operatives trained in making crude forms of weapons of mass destruction and vet charitable foundations used as conduit for money to terrorists and their organisations. Despite some successes against al-Qaeda, including the arrest of its senior leaders, recent bombings in Saudi Arabia, the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation, Morocco, Yemen and Afghanistan show that the dangers persists, ambassador Heraldo Mu1oz of Chile, Chairman of the Council's Committee overseeing sanctions imposed against the Taliban, al-Qaeda and their associates, told the council.
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