Islamabad, June 15: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov today offered his country's full backing to efforts being taken by India and Pakistan for normalisation of their relations. "Russia expresses its utmost support and welcome to peaceful efforts undertaken to restore full scale establishment of relations between Pakistan and India," Ivanov said. Speaking at a joint press conference after formal talks with Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, he also hailed Pakistan's efforts to curb extremists. "Russia welcomes the efforts undertaken by Pakistani authorities to cut and neutralise the activities of terrorist and extremist organisations within the country." Ivanov, who flew into Islamabad early today, held formal talks with Kasuri on issues including bilateral ties, efforts to find peace between Pakistan and India, and post-war Iraq. "We discussed almost everything under the sun which could be of interest to Pakistan and Russia," Kasuri told the news conference. "We had very fruitful discussions." Foreign ministry officials said the two sides exchanged view on a wide range of issues, including bilateral relations and increased cooperation in economic and commercial sectors, as well as important global developments and the regional situation. Ivanov is to call on President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Zafarullah Jamali, before leaving Islamabad later today. The visit was part of ongoing efforts by the two countries to improve bilateral relations and increase trade and economic cooperation. Bureau Report