Chennai, July 14: MDMK today accused Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa of indulging in false propaganda that the party's existence was solely for the cause of Sri Lankan Tamils and said it had taken up several issues of importance to the state. Referring to Jayalalithaa's remarks at a press conference on Friday that the MDMK at its recent executive meeting had passed a resolution that the party's very existence was for fighting the cause of Sri Lankan Tamils, the MDMK in a statement here described the remarks as "baseless and untrue".

Stating that no executive meeting was held as referred by Jayalalithaa, the party said only the headquarters office- bearers had met on July 5 to discuss MDMK chief and MP Vaiko's impending arrest.


After the meeting a statement was released recalling Vaiko's speeches in Parliament on Eelam Tamils and MDMK's support to them and past resolutions on the issue, it said and pointed out that no such resolution was adopted as mentioned by Jayalalithaa. The party alleged that Jayalalithaa had solely based her statement on reports published in a weekly.

It was the MDMK, which secured an assurance from Prime Minister A B Vajpayee on implementation of Sethusamudram project and prevented privatisation of profit making Neyveli Lignite Corporation, the release said, adding the party had brought out three booklets listing achievements made by Vaiko and MDMK in the interest of the state.
Bureau Report