New Delhi, Nov 25: After the ceasefire initiatives, Pakistan Foreign Minister Khursheed Mahmood Kasuri has said India and Pakistan should "seriously start talking to each other" and start addressing outstanding issues.
"The government of Pakistan has done all it can. Now what needs to be done is for the two countries to seriously start talking to each other and start addressing these issues," Kasuri told a television channel.
Observing that it can't be a "one-way traffic", Kasuri said India continues to say there was cross-border activity. If somebody feels that border can be totally sealed, then India could have done as well because they have 70,000 troops and police and para-military forces in Kashmir.
Kasuri also repeated Pakistan's suggestion of having neutral observers to monitor cross-border infiltration, which has been rejected by India.
He said India has often contended that when the Pakistan army resorted to firing, it was to give cover to the militants to get through.

"Now, that Pakistan has announced a unilateral ceasefire, it is obviously one more indication that it means what it says. Because, if it wanted the infiltrators to get through ...It would have continued with the firing."

Bureau Report