Members of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha demanded that the footage of the Close Circuit Television mounted on the gates of Parliament that would have recorded 'live' the entry of terrorists on December 13 should be shown before the House reassembles on Wednesday. ''None of the statements are clear through which gate the terrorists have entered...They were definitely not air-dropped,'' Arjun Singh, (Cong) said during the debate on the December 13 attack.
Singh said the film is available with the government and must be shown in the interest of everyone because it is not yet clear through which gate the terrorists came in.
He said the government has not given any insight on what action they are going to take. What steps has the Prime Minister and the Home Minister taken. ''We are not aware of this... The nation does not feel safe anymore'', he said.
Kapil Sibal, Congress said the film is vital and must be shown to MPs inside the central hall before the house assembles Wednesday.
Bureau Report