Ahmedabad, June 04: All India Christian Council today threatened to hold demonstrations during visit of the chairman of National Commission for Minorities to the city later this week over his recent alleged "anti-minority" comments. Condemning NCM chairman Tarlochan Singh's reported remarks that "trishul distribution is not a provocative act and minority community should not have any difficulty due to it," AICC general secretary Samson Christian said demonstrations would be held during Singh's day-long visit to the city on Saturday.
Christian also attacked Singh over his meetings with senior VHP and Bajrang Dal leaders, including Praveen Togadia and Acharya Giriraj Kishore.
"The AICC has urged the Shahi Imam of Fatehpur mosque in New Delhi to seek Singh's resignation from the post of chairman of NCM," Christian said in a statement.
Singh and other members of NCM are expected to meet religious leaders and community heads in the city during their visit. Bureau Report