New Delhi, Feb 02: With Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee criticising the US Senate decision to restrict outsourcing, the US today said it was ready to resolve the issue with New Delhi ''in a business-like manner without rancour'' even as it asked India to further open up its market in the interest of a win-win situation for both countries.

Talking to a select group of journalists, US Charge d'Affaires Robert o Blake said, ''free trade and open market should be a two-way street. The best way is for India to continue to open its market so that jobs are created in the US.''
Welcoming the recent tariff, tax and investment liberalisation measures announced by Finance Minister Jaswant Singh, he said ''The two countries also need to work together in the Doha round of WTO negotiations to identify ways to open new markets rather than close those are already open.''
India could help in this task by accelerating its programme of trade liberalisation, helping to build a positive momentum in the Doha round of talks and setting ambitious goals for new commitments, he added.
The US Trade Representative would be visiting India later this month to iron out differences between the two countries on trade negotiations, which derailed the WTO talks at Cancun in September last year.
Blake said the US was interested in investing in financial services, insurance, telecom and other such areas in India and wanted caps on foreign investments in these sectors to be lifted. He, however, noted that these caps were now being lifted gradually.
He said he had already conveyed the bush administration's views on the outsourcing issue to top Indian officials in recent days.
Bureau Report