Srinagar, July 08: Breaking its silence on charges levelled by Syed Ali Shah Geelani, People's Conference (PC) today accused the firebrand Jamaat-e-Islami leader of attempting to split the Hurriyat Conference and said he was a "dream gift" for Indians. “Geelani has come with a simple design to split the Hurriyat Conference. That is what India wants," PC chairman Sajjad Lone told reporters at his Rawalpora residence.
Lone circulated a letter among journalists by his brother Bilal Gani, who represents the PC in the Hurriyat Executive, to the amalgam's chairman Abdul Gani Bhat detailing party's charges against Geelani.
Describing Geelani as an "ideological nightmare for the Kashmiri struggle and a dream gift for Indians", Lone said for Geelani, Kashmir is not a cause but an excuse for pursuing some other agenda.

Endorsing Bilal's letter, Sajjad charged Geelani with putting up his former personal secretary and a close aide Abdul Khaliq Hanief as a proxy candidate in last year's assembly elections.
He accused Geelani's supporters of indulging in tactical voting to ensure victory of People's Democratic Party (PDP) nominees. Bureau Report