The US ambassador to Pakistan, Wendy Chamberlin, has hailed President Pervez Musharraf's crackdown on Taliban diplomats and Islamic activists.
Chamberlin on Thursday said the moves put Musharraf in a stronger position to deal with possible challenges to his regime from anti-American protestors angry at his decision to cooperate in the US-led war on terrorism now focused on neighbouring Afghanistan. He is probably in a stronger position on Friday than he has been in the past with regard to controlling demonstrations in the street, Chamberlin told reporters at the state department.
He has taken measures that are appropriate for that, she said, noting the closure of the Taliban consulate in Karachi, the silencing of the Taliban ambassador in Islamabad, a ban on the use of loudspeakers for hate speech and the detention of vocal anti-American clerics. He has taken definitive measures to control the potential for violence in the street, Chamberlin said.
She added she did not expect any serious challenge to Musharraf should the campaign on Afghanistan extend into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Bureau Report