Washington, Mar 06: Secretary of State Colin Powell will discuss the ''next steps'' in the US's strategic relations with Indian leaders during a visit to South Asia beginning March 14. ''Secretary Powell will meet with senior officials and political leaders in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to discuss a range of bilateral and security matters, including regional issues,'' the state department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said here yesterday. In India, the secretary of state ''will discuss next steps and beyond in our strategic relationship,'' he said. Mr Powell will cover a wide range of issues in talks with Pakistani leaders, ''our ally and partner in the global war on terror.''
In discussion with the Hamid-Karzai government in Afghanistan, the secretary will ''focus on the consolidation of economic and political reconstruction and look ahead to the international conference on Afghanistan in Berlin.''

The visit is the latest in a series of consultations between South Asian leaders and the United States, Ereli said, pointing out that the South Asian region is vital to American interests.
Bureau Report