Mumbai, June 18: Russia has said the recent peace initiative of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee is a move towards world peace. In an interaction with industrialists and media here last night, Russian director for South and South West Asia Gleb Ivashentov, who accompanied his country's foreign minister, Igor Ivanov on the recent visit to India and Pakistan, said that a China-India-Russia triangle could give rise to a multi-polar world for more development and constructive programmes.

To a query whether Russian and Indian democracies will have problems with a non-democratic China, Ivashentov said when Indian relationship with former USSR with its Communist regime was very good then why not with China?

On the issue of any military cooperation with Pakistan, Ivashentov said "any military dealing needs long-term mutual confidence and traditional partners are preferred normally."

On the issue of supply of more number of nuclear power plants to India of VVER-1000 type like those under construction in Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, Ivashentov said "unless we get clearance from the International Nuclear Suppliers Association, we will not be in a position to work on more such projects."

On Iraq, he said the attack on Iraq by US and UK has created a lot of problems for the entire world and "Russia wanted that the problems should have been solved through the Security Council of the United Nations."

Bureau Report