Ahmedabad, July 28: A special Pota court today remanded four accused hailing from Andhra Pradesh to police custody for 13 days on the charge of "waging a war against nation" and "participating in a conspiracy to foment terrorist activities in Gujarat, including killing of former Gujarat minister Haren Pandya and tiffin bomb blasts". The court also remanded to 21 days' police custody Haji Sadiq Jalaluddin Pathan, arrested from Malhan village from Poonch region of Jammu, after his name was revealed by the four accused during interrogation . Designated Pota judge Sonia Gokani remanded to custody the Maulvi of Idgah Masjid in Jugtiyal town near Hyderabad Mufti Akbar Yusuf Sheikh, Abdul Samad Mohd Ibrahim, Mansur Siddiqi and Maulana Abdul Rahim, who were arrested on July 23.
The crime branch had procured transit warrant of the four accused till July 29 from a local court in Hyderabad.
The four accused are charged with providing logistic support to Rasool Parti, the kingpin of the conspiracy and a "fugitive" who was also a close aide of underworld don Latif. Parti had fled to Hyderabad six years ago.
Bureau Report