New Delhi, Sept 17: A principal component in construction, the door has often been referred to as the ‘gateway to heaven’ in ancient Vaastu texts. The main gate was called the vaastu dvara and the entrance door, the shala dvara. Proper guidelines have been laid down to select and erect each ‘limb’ of the door, as they are directly connected with the health, wealth and happiness of the occupants of a house.
With the evolution of building technology, we now have doors made of a single panel of wood, metal or synthetic board without, any supporting member on the top, sides or bottom. This normally results in a feeling of loneliness.
Today, most doors are fixed on a three-member frame — the top, left and right — with the bottom member missing. This is considered to be inauspicious, as in the absence of any door limb (member), the house will always remain ‘incomplete’. In order to replace the missing member, put a thin strip of metal between the two side frames and fix it on the floor with nails or any strong adhesive.
According to Vaastu, the main and side doors should be fixed depending upon which direction the house faces. The dimensions play an equally important role, with the prescribed ratio being 1:2 (for length: breadth). If you do not have a window or ventilator above your entrance door, fix a mirror there and feel the difference. The ancient text also suggests earmarking doors in all four directions. A door towards the east ensures wisdom; the one towards the south, good health; towards the west, peace; towards the north, wealth. For multi-storied buildings and large independent houses, it is best to have the entrance door as well as the main gate in the same direction, but not in front of one another. As you enter through the gate, if the structure is towards the right, it is considered auspicious whereas construction towards the left is average.
Finally, you should avoid any dvara vedh or obstruction near the entrance door as it can adversely affect your social, personal and professional life. Having a beautifully carved or colourful door is considered very lucky.

Thus, by following these simple principles, you can ensure prosperity.