Washington, Aug 14: To assist African peacekeepers and support arrival of vital humanitarian assistance at Monrovia's port, the Pentatgon has announced that a US military force of approximately 200 troops, including a company-size Marine quick reaction force, will arrive shortly in Liberia. "The US forces will include about 150 Marines in an infantry company-size reaction force designed to assist peacekeepers if needed at Monrovia's airport and port facilities," Air Force Lieutenant General Norton Schwartz, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced at a Pentagon briefing yesterday.
"In addition, approximately one dozen navy seals will perform port hydrographic studies, engineers will evaluate the port's capacity to receive cargo ships laden with humanitarian aid, and liaison officers will lend support to African-based peacekeepers," he said.
"The purpose of the mission for joint task force-Liberia still is in four major areas," Schwartz said.
"The first was to assess the readiness of ECOMIL from the various contributing countries. To provide training if required was the second. The third was to assist ECOMIL in order to achieve the objective of obtaining security and stability in the Monrovia area," he said.
"And the fourth one was to provide a reaction capability in the event that the ECOMIL forces get in trouble," he said.
However, Schwartz stressed at the briefing that this will be a "narrow mission" for US forces with the overall objective of stabilizing the situation.
Bureau Report