Amman, Oct 13: US engineering firm Bechtel awarded 102 contracts to Iraqi firms up until late September from a total of 138 projects to rebuild the war-shattered country, a senior manager told a news agency. "We are working primarily with Iraqi contractors. They are doing a very good job," Gregory Huger, who is responsible for coordinating the reconstruction effort in Iraq, said yesterday.

"Since September 26, we have given 128 contracts of which 102 have been granted to Iraqi companies, and we are very satisfied with the work they are doing," he said on the sidelines of an economic forum in Jordan. Huger said "progress" has been made in rehabilitating Iraq's water, power and telecommunications networks, as well as schools, clinics, airports, bridges, the railways and the southern port of Umm Qasr.

"The Iraqis have a very good capability of doing this kind of work and it is very easy for Iraqi companies to mobilise their people and their equipment to do the work in Iraq," he said. USAID has awarded the San Francisco-based Bechtel a contract worth 680 million dollars which was recently amended by an additional 350 million dollars, Huger said.

Bureau Report