Srinagar, Oct 18: A day after militants tried to storm his residence, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today rejected the proposal to hand-over his security to the elite national security guards saying he has full confidence in the state police and paramilitary forces. "I have full faith in the capabilities of the state police and paramilitary forces. I do not need NSG for my security," he told reporters at a function organised for children adopted by the army at his residence.

Lauding the role of police in the 24-hour-long encounter with the holed up militants, Sayeed said, "they have done a commendable job. They have ensured that there are no civilian casaulties and even painstakingly rescued more than 20 persons from the shopping complex."

Many shopkeepers had left their shops open and they have reported no loss to their belongings during the encounter. There was only minor damage to the building, he said.

Sayeed said that there would be no review of his security as suicide attacks by militants were an indication of their desperation for publicity.

"Such attacks can take place anywhere.....It happened in the assembly, militants entered parliament also. So there is no question of reviewing my security," he said.

Describing yesterday's attack as a "rare incident", the Chief Minister said there has been no change in the general atmosphere in the state.
Bureau Report