US investigators pressed to identify terrorist collaborators who may still be in a position to strike more Americans, and agents located critical black boxes from two of Tuesday's hijacked planes. Four US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, on Thursday said that authorities are investigating the possibility that some terrorists involved with Tuesday's plots are still at large.
The FBI searched the country and abroad for possible suspects who had recent flight training, ties to the hijackers or their backers, or attempted to enter the United States recently, said these officials. Agents have been examining manifests of flights that were not hijacked on Tuesday, to find matches with people who fit this profile, the officials said.
The concerns are also being driven by fresh intelligence suggesting a continuing threat, the officials added.
“1The data suggests we haven't seen the end of this current threat,” one US official said. He cited concerns terrorists may strike in a different manner now that airport security has been beefed up. Signs of fear were everywhere. The US Capitol was evacuated for a suspicious package and New York's airports were temporarily closed to incoming flights. One man was arrested in New York with a fake pilot's identification. A security ring around the white house was widened.
Bureau Report