Dhaka, June 09: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been invited by his Bangladesh counterpart Begum Khaleda Zia for a summit meeting to resolve long-pending disputes, particularly over sharing of water, and improve bilateral relations. "Our Prime Minister has already extended invitation to the Indian Prime Minister. We hope Vajpayee will visit Bangladesh, contribute to establishment of peace in the region and develop our bilateral relations" Foreign Minister Morshed Khan told reporters here last night.
Expecting a positive response to the invitation, officials of both the countries have already started working for holding the meeting between the two prime ministers.
The joint economic commission meeting at the level of foreign ministers which will meet here next month will discuss the planned summit, Khan said.
Stressing the importance of summit level meeting between the heads of two governments, khan said "it is essential to improve relations between the two close neighbours by resolving disputes".
Asked about the timing of the meet, he said " it might take place any time".
The Foreign Minister said since Begum Zia visited India during her first term as prime minister, Bangladesh wants Vajpayee to visit Bangladesh.
Bureau Report