UK, Oct 01: Europe's Ryder Cup winning captain Sam Torrance has revealed how phone calls to Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson helped to defeat the United States.
Torrance asked both Sir Alex and England boss Sven-Goran Eriksson for advice on how to help mould a team from a number of highly paid professionals.
Europe reclaimed the Ryder Cup on Sunday, after defeating the US 15½-12½ to spark wild celebrations at the Belfry.

And Torrance has described the input from both Ferguson and Eriksson as "magnificent".

"Alex was perfect," Torrance said. "He manages the same situation daily and throughout the year I've gleaned advice from him.
"When I was appointed captain I realised I'd be in charge of the stars from different countries and I needed to talk to someone who could help.
"He has been magnificent. Always on the phone when I needed him. In fact, he phoned me last Tuesday with advice and again last night (Sunday) to congratulate me," he told The Sun newspaper.

Ferguson admitted that Europe's victory has been one of the most extraordinary sporting events he had ever witnessed.
"I honestly don't think I've been gripped by a day's sport, other than football, more than I was on Sunday," he said.

Torrance added: "Alex tried to explain what it's like to manage a team.
"He said there are no superstars they are all the same. That was the key.
"Everyone made a major part of the team, from the rookies to the big names. Sven-Goran Eriksson was also helpful, but, no disrespect to him, Alex's words were the most useful."

Bureau Report