Brussels, Dec 19: World number one Justine Henin-Hardenne cannot wait for next season after three weeks of intense training in Florida.
''I am very keen to start the tennis year all over again,'' the Belgian told a news conference yesterday before playing an exhibition match against Frenchman Yannick Noah, who won the French Open 20 years ago.
''I stopped competition five weeks ago,'' Henin said. ''But after two weeks of vacation, I wanted to start practising again. I worked very hard during the last three weeks and I feel stronger than last year at the same period, both physically and mentally.
''I want now to win tournaments I never won before. And I will fight very hard to stay number one. The feeling I have being in that position is really great.''
Henin-Hardenne, the 2003 French and US Open champion, has also set her sights on the 2004 Olympics in Athens.

''I will do my best to win it,'' she said. ''To me it's the fifth grand slam tournament of 2004. I will win it for Belgium.''

Bureau Report