Malaysia is concerned over the wrong projection of Islam and the hate crimes committed towards Muslims following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, foreign minister Syed Hamid Albar said in Putrajaya on Monday. Many people died in the attacks including 500 Muslims and there was no reason for anyone to portray as though Islam advocates violence, he told reporters after holding discussions with US trade representative Robert B Zoellick. Zoellick is a member of US President George W Bush's Cabinet with the rank of ambassador and serves as the president's principal trade policy adviser and chief trade negotiator.
“We are concerned over the wrong projection of Islam and the hate crimes committed against Muslims just because of the September 11 tragedy. A lot of people from other nations also died, including over 500 Muslims,” Syed Hamid said.
He said that this message was conveyed to Zoellick during the meeting and the trade representative promised that the US was taking all possible action to ensure that this attack against Afghanistan was not seen as a fight against Islam but a fight against terrorism. Syed Hamid said that media reports showing demonstrations against the US attack on Afghanistan in moderate Islamic nations should not be used by the superpower to cause instability in these countries.
He said that although Malaysia continues to cooperate with international efforts in fighting terrorism, the country fears that military action by the international community would cost lives in Muslim states.
Bureau Report